Day: November 22, 2022

Climate Change

Climate Change Denial Makes an Untimely Comeback

When researchers set out to study the effects of disinformation on global populations, they discovered something surprising: a huge resurgence in climate denial in 2022. In the past year, climate science has been clearer than ever. Three recent reports from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have warned that we must make urgent changes. […]

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How metal-munching microbes help the rare, toxic element tellurium circulate in the environment

New technologies often mean elements start moving through the environment in new ways. Take lead plumbing: it helped provide access to fresh water for the masses, but left a toxic legacy that remains to this day. As we transition away from fossil fuels, we are turning to technologies reliant on rare elements that had few uses […]

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Kazakhstan’s philanthropist receives apology

London, Brussels (2/11 – 100). The Eureporter wrote, “On 10 August 2022, we published an article which reported that Kenes Rakishev had paid Fabian Baussart a substantial sum of money to obtain the ‘Legion d’Honneur’. This article was a republish ofan article that originally appeared in the French media. We now accept that Mr Rakishev does not hold the ‘Legion […]

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