Tropical Forest

Global News

Parts of Tropical Rainforests Could Get Too Hot for Photosynthesis, Study Suggests

Some leaves in tropical forests from South America to South East Asia are getting so hot they may no longer be able to photosynthesize, with big potential consequences for the world’s forests, according to a new study. Leaves’ ability to photosynthesize – the process by which they make energy from carbon dioxide, sunlight and water – begins […]

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Global News

‘Social Distancing’ of Trees Ensures Biodiversity in Tropical Forests, Finds Study

The saying goes that the Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. But based on a new study on a forest in Panama, that may be far from the truth for tropical trees that practice a kind of “social distancing” to ensure biodiversity. In the study published in the journal Science, researchers combined computational modelling with data […]

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