Day: November 23, 2022

Climate Change

Feeling the Heat: Climate Change, Extreme Heat Events, and Communities at Risk

Extreme heat, or temperatures higher than 90 degrees Fahrenheit or 32 degrees Celsius for at least two days, accounts for the highest number of weather-related deaths annually in the U.S. Climate change is causing these heat events to be more frequent, longer lasting, and severe. In 2021, people experienced 3.7 billion more heatwave days globally than the annual average from […]

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Climate Change

Effects of climate change such as flooding make existing disadvantages for Indigenous communities so much worse

Spring is here, and with it comes the threat of more floods. Australia is currently experiencing its third consecutive year of a La Niña weather cycle. This means we expect more rainfall than average over the spring and summer months. There is heightened risk of floods, tropical cyclones, prolonged heatwaves and grass fires in southern Australia. This […]

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