Day: November 28, 2022

Climate Change

Save money and reduce climate change

Speakers at a recent Power Forum sponsored by the Willits Economic Localization group shared new information about Mendocino County’s local transition to a carbon-free future, advice for coping with power outages, and how to save money on energy. Keith Rutledge of Renewable Energy Development Institute (REDI) in Willits and Geof Syphers, CEO of Sonoma Clean […]

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Climate Change

Young people just got a louder voice on climate change — and could soon be shaping policy

Young people have long been at the forefront of discussions and activism around climate change. This year’s COP27 was another milestone for them — they became official stakeholders in climate policy under the ACE action plan, which was created at COP27 in Egypt over the last few weeks. Young people’s voices and opinions will now […]

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