Day: December 9, 2022

Climate Change

Cop 27: NDC updates stumble despite pact

Only a small number of countries updated their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) either during or in the run-up to last month’s UN Cop 27 climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, as wider mitigation ambition at the summit proved tepid. The Glasgow Climate Pact agreed at Cop 26 last year requested countries revise and increase their […]

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Climate Change

Can Iron Ox’s smart greenhouses take an edge off climate chaos?

Rebekah Moses is moving from Impossible Foods to the controlled environment agriculture space, but why? While indoor agriculture startups such as Plenty, Bowery and GrowUp Farms have continued to rein in big checks from impact investors this year, I kept wondering about what good they can actually accomplish.  While their vertical operations use less water than traditional farms, they are […]

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