Author: Bennie Kelly

Global News

EU approves law to hit gas imports with methane emissions limit

European Union countries approved a law on Monday (27 May) to impose methane emissions limits on Europe’s oil and gas imports from 2030, pressuring international suppliers to cut leaks of the potent greenhouse gas. Methane is the main component of the natural gas countries burn in power plants and to heat homes. It is also […]

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Climate Change
Global News

The Rocky Road to Climate Accountability at the Pentagon

In the ever-shifting landscape of Washington politics, a noteworthy narrative is unfolding—one that hinges on the interplay between climate change, national security, and fiscal responsibility. At the heart of this story is the Pentagon and its efforts to integrate climate risk management into its strategic framework. At Taxpayers for Common Sense, we’ve documented the growing costs of […]

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Climate Change
Global News

COP28: Can Climate Justice and Climate Technology be Compatible?

The word “acceleration” is top of mind for many people as this year’s negotiations draw to a close at the 28th meeting of the UN Climate Conference of the Parties (COP28). With only a handful of years left to reach the net-zero agreements set out in the Paris Agreement of 2015, nations are racing to phase […]

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Global News

Argentina’s Energy: What Can We Expect From Javier Milei?

On December 10th we witnessed President Javier Milei’s inauguration in Buenos Aires. Considered by many a controversial, far-right libertarian, Argentina’s new head of state is thought of as a wild card for many. At the same have also seen a return of the “conventional” right into his cabinet. So, what can we expect for Argentina’s energy […]

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Climate Change
Global News

How Movement Organizations Organized Funders

About a decade ago, as frontline-led environmental justice groups came together to create a new center of gravity in the climate movement, a group of climate justice leaders, including me, began connecting with the staff and trustees of the Chorus Foundation, which was developing its own strategy on climate funding. After discovering our shared goals […]

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Global News

‘The Most Imperiled Ecosystem’: Grassland Wildlife Declining in West Texas, Great Plains

A reflection of the planet’s increasingly volatile climate and the enduring influence of industrial interests, North American grasslands find themselves at the epicenter of one of the most severe biodiversity crises on the planet. Formerly a vibrant mosaic of life — teeming with migratory birds, diverse fauna herds and formidable predators — the Great Plains […]

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Global News

Governor’s New Adviser On Kansas Water Crisis Working to Influence Policy Talks

Hiring a dedicated staff member to advise Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly on water is a move meant to bring the often-siloed issue front and center, said Vijay Ramasamy, who started the job this fall. “My job is to make water central to a lot of our conversations,” Ramasamy said on the Kansas Reflector podcast. Ramasamy, […]

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Global News

J.R. Simplot Company sued for alleged pollution on the Snake River

The J.R. Simplot Company is being sued in federal court over allegations of ongoing polluting of the Snake River. Snake River Waterkeeper, a nonprofit advocacy organization claims its water tests near Simplot’s Grand View Feedlot show dramatically higher bacteria content due to runoff from livestock waste. “The e-coli counts and total coliform counts [fecal matter] […]

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Climate Change
Global News

Climate Activists Spray-Paint Paris’s Louvre Pyramid

Environmental activists defaced the Louvre pyramid on 27 October, covering the landmark glass monument with orange paint. Protestors from the Dernière Rénovation group threw balloons at the famous glass structure while one of the demonstrators climbed up the edge of the pyramid; according to the Telegraph, a dozen people were arrested following the incident. A Louvre […]

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Climate Change
Global News

15,000 Scientists Warn Society Could Collapse by 2100 Due to Climate Change

Ring the Alarm Scientists are again ringing alarm bells over climate change’s devastating effects on the planet — and this time, they’re saying the Earth’s rapidly changing environment may result in a global disaster of epic proportions by the end of the century. A new paper published in the journal BioScience has been co-signed by more than 15,000 scientists in 161 countries, and […]

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