We Want Your Input on Windsor’s Environment!

The City of Windsor is looking for the public’s input on the state of our environment.

Residents are welcome until the end of June to take part in a survey that will help contribute to the latest Report On the State of our Environment (ROSE). This is the fourth ROSE since 2008 and is identified in Windsor’s Environmental Master Plan (EMP) as a way to monitor the EMP’s implementation and progress. It allows the City to track specific environmental indicators over time, and it is hoped that the indicators will improve as a result of changes to corporate policy and operations as well as community action.

This report on the environment will reflect the realignment of goals set out in the 2017 EMP, including the separation of air and water quality into two separate goals to allow a specific focus on each element. This report provides trends in data collected since 2007 and will continue to be updated every four or five years.

As part of the reporting process, residents are asked to take part in the Environmental Attitudes Survey, which will provide insight into residents’ current attitudes and opinions about Windsor’s environment. The results will assist the City in prioritizing actions and making decisions that affect the community and impact the local environment.

Source: City Windsor


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