Global News

NOAA: Marine Heat Waves Threaten Marine Ecosystems

WASHINGTON — Officials with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration say unusually warm ocean surface temperatures, or “marine heat waves” off the coast of South Florida could continue into the fall, threatening the health of marine ecosystems.  Chris Kelble, the director of the Ocean Chemistry and Ecosystems Division at NOAA, says scientists began noticing anomalously high water temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico and off […]

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Global News

NOAA, NASA Spearheading Massive Air Quality Research Campaign This Summer

Scientists from NOAA, NASA and 21 universities from three countries are deploying state-of-the-art instruments in multiple, coordinated research campaigns this month to investigate how air pollution sources have shifted over recent decades.   Since the 1970s, U.S. scientists and environmental regulators made significant strides in reducing air pollution by cleaning up tailpipe and smokestack emissions. Yet levels of […]

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