
Global News

Wildfires Also Impact Aquatic Ecosystems

In devasting cases dotting the globe in recent years, climate warming has led to an increase in the number and severity of destructive wildfires. Climate change projections indicate that environmental and economic damage from wildfires will spread and escalate in the years ahead. While studies have analyzed impacts on land, new research from the University […]

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Global News

Quebec Man Charged With Arson in Connection With Numerous Forest Fires in Chibougamau

Quebec provincial police have arrested a man in connection with numerous forest fires that burned earlier this summer in the province’s north.  Brian Paré, 37, appeared by videoconference at a courthouse in Chibougamau, Que., about 700 kilometres north of Montreal, late Thursday afternoon to face two charges of arson. According to the indictment, the Chibougamau resident allegedly set […]

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Global News

Large Herbivores Can Help Prevent Massive Wildfires

In 2019 and 2020, a megafire scorched eastern Australia, destroying some 24 million hectares of land, and adding to the hole in the ozone layer. Another massive fire ate away parts of Northern California in 2018, and slowly animals are starting to return. Over the years fires have scorched parts of Africa, including a 15,000-hectare disaster in the Democratic Republic […]

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Global News

Canada Wildfires: Trudeau Criticises Facebook Over News Ban Amid Crisis

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has accused Facebook of putting “profits ahead of people’s safety” after it blocked news amid devastating wildfires in the country. Facebook banned news on its platform in response to Canadian law forcing it to share profit with news outlets. Wildfire evacuees have said the ban has impacted their ability to […]

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Climate Change
Global News

Weather That Drove Eastern Canada’s Devastating Wildfires Made Twice as Likely by Climate Change

The weather conditions that fueledrecord-shattering wildfires in eastern Canada earlier this summer – and sent plumes of hazardous air into the US – were made more likely and more intense by the climate crisis, according to a new report published Tuesday. Scientists from the World Weather Attribution initiative – which calculates the role of climate change in extreme weather events – […]

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