Day: November 19, 2022

Climate Change

Costa Rica to Tackle Climate Change with New Resilience and Sustainability Facility

Costa Rica has been a pioneer in greening its economy, and its efforts to fight climate change and restore ecosystems have earned the country international recognition. But climate change continues to pose important risks, most acutely through natural disasters. Costa Rica is now the first country to benefit from the IMF’s new Resilient and Sustainability Facility to […]

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Biden-Harris Administration Launches Interactive Map Showcasing Wildfire Reduction Projects

The Biden-Harris Administration is announcing today that the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service has launched a new interactive map showing the progress the agency and its partners have made in addressing the wildfire crisis in eight western states as part of the Forest Service’s 10-year wildfire crisis strategy. This easy-to-use “story map” gives users the opportunity to […]

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