Year: 2023

Global News

Research Pieces Ancient Ecosystems Together to Reveal New Details About the End-Triassic Mass Extinction

Startling new insights into the catastrophic impact of one of the most devastating events in Earth’s history have been revealed by a team led by researchers with the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. More than deepening our understanding of the end-Triassic mass extinction, their findings offer critical lessons for today’s environmental challenges. […]

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Climate Change
Global News

Texas’ Carbon Emissions Remain the Highest in the Country

World leaders headed into overtime this week in Dubai at COP28, the international climate change summit, to broker agreements on lowering global-warming emissions. Driving the news: In the U.S., Texas continues to emit the most greenhouse gasses of any state with little signs of recent change. By the numbers: U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) data show Texas’ overall CO2 levels increased […]

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Climate Change
Global News

Republicans Bring Contentious Environmental Record — and Agenda — to Climate Summit

Republicans visited the global climate summit in Dubai this weekend — marking engagement on the issue from a party that is not typically enthusiastic about fighting global warming.  One of the climate solutions touted by some of the GOP lawmakers that attended the conference, however, is natural gas, which is still a fossil fuel that […]

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Climate Change
Global News

Global Warming And the Future of Skiing

Every December, some 320–390mn people hit the ski slopes globally. As these outdoor enthusiasts know all too well, trail conditions can make or break the experience. Poor skiing conditions don’t just detract from the consumer experience, for the companies operating these resorts these could spell losses—or even threaten survival. Last season, several resorts were forced […]

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Climate Change
Global News

Loud and Proud Climate Change Denier Hangs it Up

“A superstar of the Denialosphere” is how former journalist Eric Pooley described Myron Ebell in his 2010 book “The Climate War.” Business Insider wrote in 2009 that Ebell “may be enemy #1 to the current climate change community.” “One of the single greatest threats our planet has ever faced,” the Sierra Club opined in 2016. Rolling Stone put […]

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Global News

A Transformative Carbon Sink in the Ocean?

Several decades ago, when the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere was well below 400 parts per million, climate scientists began warning of the negative consequences for Earth’s climate of burning fossil fuels. From those early warnings, a consensus emerged that carbon emissions would need to be lowered (and eventually zeroed out) to […]

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Global News

Ecology Advocates Say it’s Important to Keep Trash Separate From Recycling

Throwing away an item meant for the garbage may not seem like a big deal. However, when waste integrates with reusable items, it can contaminate the supply. The Ecology Action Center (EAC) of McLean County is warning residents about the long-term damage this can cause. Executive Director Michael Brown explains why this is harmful for the […]

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Climate Change
Global News

AI Emissions Are Fueling a New Doomerism. This Time it’s Climate Change

There is a new doomer narrative over artificial intelligence emerging in the background at this year’s COP meeting. This one isn’t focused on a malignant superintelligence. Instead, it is over sustainability and concerns over AI’s burgeoning energy demands. A recent study projects that by 2027, NVIDIA’s new AI servers will be consuming over 85.4 terawatt-hours annually, exceeding […]

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Global News

Wildfires Also Impact Aquatic Ecosystems

In devasting cases dotting the globe in recent years, climate warming has led to an increase in the number and severity of destructive wildfires. Climate change projections indicate that environmental and economic damage from wildfires will spread and escalate in the years ahead. While studies have analyzed impacts on land, new research from the University […]

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Global News

Gigantic Wave in Pacific Ocean Was Most Extreme ‘Rogue Wave’ on Record

In November of 2020, a freak wave came out of the blue, lifting a lonesome buoy off the coast of British Columbia 17.6 meters high (58 feet). The four-story wall of water was finally confirmed in February 2022 as the most extreme rogue wave ever recorded at the time. Such an exceptional event is thought […]

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