Day: January 8, 2023

Climate Change

Green Hydrogen’s breakout year, China thinks bigger, and wind turbines blaze and fall

AGENDA | Our curation of the must-read news and analysis from the-week-that-was in the global renewable energy industry Recharge began 2023 with an in-depth look at why it’s lift-off time for green hydrogen, the key energy transition fuel that will need vast amounts of renewable power to produce – and the first days of the new year […]

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Climate Change

India earmarks 125GW of new renewable energy to power huge green hydrogen plans

Nation reveals power capacity figure as it approves initial $2.4bn to underpin incentives designed to spur five million tonnes of annual output India expects to deploy about 125GW of new renewables by 2030 to power the nation’s ambitious green hydrogen plans, the nation’s government said as it approved a landmark funding package for the sector. […]

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