Day: June 2, 2023

Climate Change

Universities Aren’t Doing Enough for Climate. Here’s What a Real Sustainability Plan Would Look Like

My university just announced that it has “begun the collaborative and consultative work to create [its] first institutional Sustainability and Climate Action Plan!” (Exclamatory emphasis theirs). If all goes according to plan, in 20 years we’ll have reduced our scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions by 166 kilotons. That’s about 0.2 percent of our state’s emissions, and 0.003 […]

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Colorado River Deal Brings Relief, but is it a Short-Term Solution to a Long-Term Crisis?

The American West is breathing a collective sigh of relief after Colorado River basin states resolved months of tensions with a pivotal plan for water consumption cutbacks earlier this week. Yet both state officials and water experts are raising concerns that this conservation proposal may just be a short-term solution to a long-term crisis. “I think they […]

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