Day: November 11, 2023

Climate Change
Global News

‘Climate, Environment and Health’: New Tool Ranks Lehigh Valley’s Climate Vulnerabilities

BETHLEHEM, Pa. — Small communities and agencies want robust scientific data, Grace Tee Lewis said, but often don’t have the time, money or manpower to get it done, let alone include dozens of variables to create an accurate picture. So, researchers did it for them. “We wanted to have a tool that addressed the intersection […]

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Global News

Ants May be the First Known Insects Ensnared in Plastic Pollution

Some Canary Island ants have picked up an unwelcome stowaway — plastic waste. Plastic entanglement is commonly associated with aquatic and ocean life. Finding plastic-wrapped ants suggests that humankind’s pernicious polymer pollution affects a wider range of wildlife than previously thought, researchers report September 18 in Ecological Entomology.  Scientists noticed the tangled insects while studying 113 ants they’d […]

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