Month: August 2023

Global News

Duke Energy’s New 15-Year Plan Benefits Environment, Raises Electric Bills

SPARTANBURG, S.C. (WSPA)- South Carolina cannot avoid the growth that’s not only happening but is expected to continue in the years ahead. “When you talk to our folks who do this type of planning for a living and have for many years, they haven’t seen this type of projected growth in more than 30 years,” […]

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Global News

Gunnison Ranch to Loan Water for the Environment

A Gunnison County family ranch plans to use a relatively new tool to help keep water flowing in a chronically dry section of creek while still irrigating their hay crop. In dry years, the Peterson Ranch will temporarily loan some of the water it diverts from Tomichi Creek to the state’s instream flow program, which […]

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Global News

South America Struggles To Balance Oil Economy And Environment

The populations and leaders of several South American countries are determining the fate of their natural resources, as the question of a green transition and deforestation loom over them. In both Ecuador and Brazil, state powers are deciding whether to approve new oil and gas licenses or put the health of the rainforest first. While […]

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Global News

Parts of Tropical Rainforests Could Get Too Hot for Photosynthesis, Study Suggests

Some leaves in tropical forests from South America to South East Asia are getting so hot they may no longer be able to photosynthesize, with big potential consequences for the world’s forests, according to a new study. Leaves’ ability to photosynthesize – the process by which they make energy from carbon dioxide, sunlight and water – begins […]

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Climate Change
Global News

Water Crisis Should be Considered as Critical as Climate Change, Researchers Say

The global water crisis should be considered as critical as climate change, researchers have said. A report from the British Standards Institute (BSI) and non-governmental organisation Waterwise has brought together of several areas of research for a comprehensive analysis of the challenges nations face around water supplies. The research, published on Wednesday to mark World Water Week, […]

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Global News

Grief, Anger, Hope: The Complicated Emotions Driving Activists to Fight for the Planet

Psychologists say the emotional motivations behind climate activism are not straightforward. Anger could be a bigger motivator for climate activism than hope, a study in Norway has suggested. Researchers asked 2,000 people about their feelings on the climate crisis and what would motivate them to take action. They found that for every two steps the […]

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Climate Change
Global News

Climate Goals Reported Across Multiple Corporate Sources, Study Finds

The vast majority (96 percent) of companies publish voluntary climate goals, data or metrics in their sustainability or CSR report, though this data is also spread across eight other corporate sources, according to research from the Society for Corporate Governance and Persefoni. The company website is the next-most popular place to publish such information (59 percent), while […]

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Climate Change
Global News

Dangerous Fungus is Becoming More Prevalent. Scientists Believe Climate Change Could be to Blame

In 2016, hospitals in New York state identified a rare and dangerous fungal infection never before found in the United States. Research laboratories quickly mobilized to review historical specimens and found the fungus had been present in the country since at least 2013. In the years since, New York City has emerged as ground zero […]

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Climate Change
Global News

Climate Change May Force More Farmers and Ranchers to Consider Irrigation — At a Steep Cost

The Texas ranch where Gilda Jackson trains and sells horses has been plagued by grasshoppers this year, a problem that only gets worse when the hatch quickens in times of heat and drought. Jackson watched this summer as the insects chewed through a 35-acre pasture she badly needs for hay; what they didn’t destroy, the […]

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Climate Change
Global News

Climate Disasters Are Clobbering Local Responders

This summer’s extreme weather onslaught is shedding a light on a nationwide problem: Local governments aren’t ready for emergencies. When natural disasters fueled by a changing climate grab the headlines, the Federal Emergency Management Agency gets most of the scrutiny on the government response. But the feds generally swoop in to aid recovery after the […]

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