
Climate Change
Global News

Nations Are Undercounting Emissions, Putting UN Goals at Risk

They are supposed to be the climate-savers’ gold standard — the key data on which the world relies in its efforts to lower greenhouse gas emissions and hold global warming in check. But the national inventories of emissions supplied to the United Nations climate convention (UNFCCC) by most countries are anything but reliable, according to […]

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Global News

The next big climate deadline is for meat and dairy

For years, climate scientists have called for a phase-out of fossil fuels to avoid catastrophic global warming. Now, according to a first-of-its-kind survey of more than 200 environmental and agricultural scientists, we must also drastically reduce meat and dairy production — and fast. Global livestock emissions should peak by 2030 or sooner to meet the Paris climate agreement target of limiting the […]

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Global News

Environment Agency lifts suspension notice from Walleys Quarry

The Environment Agency has lifted the suspension notice it issued to Walleys Quarry landfill site saying it is satisfied the steps required have been completed. Walleys Quarry is no longer prohibited from accepting and disposing of non-inert waste specified in its permit. The Environment Agency said it will now assess the effectiveness of the action […]

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€16 billion bonus for reducing emissions

As reported by Lusa, the environmental association released the results of the new report prepared within the scope of the European project “LIFE Together 1.5” in partnership with Zero. The study showed that adopting a new trajectory compatible with the Paris Agreement, which includes not allowing global warming to exceed 1.5ºC, could save the European Union […]

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CO2 Emissions may be Starting to Plateau, Says Global Energy Watchdog

IEA records rise of less than 1% from energy use in 2022, but 7% reduction needed every year this decade to meet emissions goal Global carbon dioxide emissions are still rising but may at least be reaching a plateau, research from the International Energy Agency has shown. CO2 from energy – by far the biggest source of emissions […]

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