
Climate Change
Global News

EU climate monitor reports highest ever average global temperatures

Earth withered through a second straight day of record-breaking temperatures on 22 July, the EU’s climate monitor said Wednesday, as parts of the world suffer devastating heatwaves and wildfires. Preliminary data from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) showed the daily global average temperature was 17.15 degrees Celsius on Monday, the warmest day in recorded […]

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Global News

EPA’s new auto emissions rules boost electric vehicles and hybrids

The Biden administration announced new tailpipe emission standards for new passenger cars that aim to cut over 7 billion tons of carbon emissions, as well as other harmful air pollutants. The standards will apply to new passenger cars and light-duty trucks, beginning with model year 2027 through 2032. The Environmental Protection Agency, in announcing the […]

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Climate Change
Global News

Green, sustainable, net-zero: Study finds majority of Brits don’t understand key climate terminology

Three-quarters of the British public have a poor understanding of commonly-used climate terminology like ‘environmentally friendly’ and ‘locally grown’. The majority of people in the UK struggle to understand key language to do with the climate crisis and environmental policy, a new study has found. Only a quarter of Brits responding to a poll said […]

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Global News

Top business leaders bemoan archaic systems in Europe that are curbing climate solutions

In order to drive the progress and development of innovative solutions that tackle climate change and help the environment, there needs to be regulatory frameworks in place that help companies make bolder steps forward, top industry CEOs told CNBC. Ester Baiget, the CEO of biosolutions firm Novozymes, said that “roadblocks” usually stand in the way of […]

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€16 billion bonus for reducing emissions

As reported by Lusa, the environmental association released the results of the new report prepared within the scope of the European project “LIFE Together 1.5” in partnership with Zero. The study showed that adopting a new trajectory compatible with the Paris Agreement, which includes not allowing global warming to exceed 1.5ºC, could save the European Union […]

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Global News

Activists take Canada’s environment minister to court in fight to save northern spotted owl

Advocacy group says continued destruction of critical habitat leaves it no choice but to take legal action against Steven Guilbeault Environmental groups in Canada are taking legal action against the country’s environment minister, arguing his delay in protecting old growth forest is harming the critically endangered northern spotted owl. In February, Steven Guilbeault said he would recommend […]

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Brazil’s Ship Graveyard Risks Environmental Disaster, Group Warns

On a stormy evening in mid-November, a huge, abandoned cargo ship broke free of its moorings and slowly floated into the massive concrete bridge that carries cars across Brazil’s Guanabara Bay to Rio de Janeiro. Brazil’s navy said the 200-meter-long (660-ft.) Sao Luiz, a rust-spattered bulk carrier built in 1994, had been anchored in the bay for […]

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Climate Change

De-Risking Environmental Impacts in Latin America with Marine Assurance

Shipping’s ongoing evolution of improving its safety, security, health, environmental and operational performance makes this a defining time for the industry. MIS Marine’s Americas Executive Gonzalo Mera Truffini explains how building a better understanding of a vessel’s entire risk portfolio through Marine Assurance can act as a springboard to support the most complex situations concerning the environment […]

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Climate Change

Japan on Defensive Going Into G7 Environment Ministers Summit

SAPPORO – When environment and energy ministers from the Group of Seven nations gather in Sapporo on Saturday, Japan will push Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s “Green Transformation” policy as its way of meeting last year’s agreement on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the power sector by 2035. But that policy, which calls for the expanded use […]

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Theresa May’s 25-year Environment Plan is ‘Fundamentally Flawed’ and ‘a Long Way off’ Say Green Experts

‘Raising spirits’ is futile without legal underpinnings to curb behaviours that result in pollution, say campaigners Environmental groups have criticised the lack of proposed legislation and the lengthy timescales for dealing with problems in the Government’s new environment strategy. Theresa May launched the 25 year environment plan in a speech on Thursday, setting out the Government’s goals for preserving […]

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